Discord Keyboard Shortcuts

Discord is a platform
Action Keyboard Shortcut Description
Answer Incoming Call
Ctrl + Enter
Allow you to quickly answer incoming call.
Create a Private Group
Ctrl + Shift + T
Allow you to quickly create a private group.
Create or Join a Server
Ctrl + Shift + N
Allow you to quickly create or join a server.
Decline Incoming Call
Allow you to quickly decline incoming call.
Find or Start a Direct Message
Ctrl + K
Allow you to quickly find or start a direct message.
Focus Text Area
Ctrl + Shift + H
Allow you to quickly focus a text area.
Get Help
Ctrl + Shift + H
Allow you to quickly get help.
Jump to Oldest Unread Message
Shift + Page Up
Allow you to quickly jump to oldest unread message.
Mark Channel as Read
Allow you to quickly mark channel as read.
Mark Server as Read
Shift + Esc
Allow you to quickly mark server as read.
Navigate Between Channels
Alt + ↑ or ↓
Allow you to quickly navigate between channels.
Navigate Between Servers
Ctrl + Alt + ↑ or ↓
Allow you to quickly navigate between Servers.
Navigate Between Unread Channels
Alt + Shift + ↑ or ↓
Allow you to quickly navigate between unread channels.
Return to Active Audio Channel
Ctrl + Alt + A
Allow you to quickly return to active audio channel.
Return to Connected Audio Channel
Alt +
Allow you to quickly return to connected audio channel.
Return to Previous Text Channel
Alt +
Allow you to quickly return to previous text channel.
Scroll Chat Down
Page Down
Allow you to quickly scroll chat down.
Scroll Chat Up
Page Up
Allow you to quickly scroll chat up.
Start Call in Private Message or Group
Ctrl + [
Allow you to quickly start call in private message or group.
Toggle Channel Member List
Ctrl + U
Allow you to quickly toggle channel member list.
Toggle Deafen
Ctrl + Shift + D
Allow you to quickly toggle deafen.
Toggle Emoji Picker
Ctrl + E
Allow you to quickly toggle emoji picker.
Toggle Hotkeys
Ctrl + /
Allow you to quickly toggle hotkeys.
Toggle Mentions Popout
Ctrl + I
Allow you to quickly toggle mentions popout.
Toggle Mute
Ctrl + Shift + M
Allow you to quickly toggle mute.
Toggle Pins Popout
Ctrl + P
Allow you to quickly toggle pins popout.
Upload a File
Ctrl + Shift + U
Allow you to quickly upload a file.

Common Discord Questions

How Can I Change Keyboard Shortcuts for Discord?

Discord also allows you to set custom keyboard shortcuts, keybinds or hotkeys as they are also called. These keyboard shortcuts can be set for certain actions that can be performed while using the discord application to both improve workflow and the speed of wich said actions can be utilized.

  1. Click on User Settings (the gear icon).

  2. In the left sidebar, scroll down to “Keybinds” and select “Add a Keybind”.

  3. In the “Action” field, select the in-app action that you want to assign a keyboard shortcut.

  4. Click on “Record Keybind”, and enter your keyboard shortcut.

  5. Click on “Stop recording” once you”ve completed your keyboard shortcut sequence.

How Can I Format & Syntax Highlight Code-blocks for Discord?

A neat feature of Discord is that it allows you to syntax highlight your code-blocks. This is a feature heavily used by developers in developer-focused communities.

  1. When writing in the chat window start your code block with followed by the name of the language you would like to syntax highlight as such javascript

  2. Write your code on the following rows beneath.

  3. Close the code block with ``` on the last row.